My Mother Discovered French Cooking From TV

Ginnie Goulet Gavrin

We preferred our hamburgers drenched in ketchup.
Our french fries from McDonald’s.
So the Bourguignon sauce tasted too brown,
the Coq au Vin too red. The crème brulee
was fun and fiery, but not as good as chocolate
pudding from a box. We preferred Cool Whip
to crème fraiche, Wonder Bread to baguettes.
But we were just part of the experiment. We tried
everything. Because we would follow her
anywhere just to be tagging along on any day
that flushed her cheeks and startled her brown eyes,
steamed her dark hair to damp curls. Any day
that glistened the bright red of her lipstick 
when she extended her spoon. Taste this!

Ginnie Goulet Gavrin teaches meditation and writing workshops at the Monadnock Mindfulness Practice Center in Keene, New Hampshire. Her work has appeared in The Literary Review, The Greensboro Review, Cold Mountain Review, Tar River Poetry, and The Dodge.
