three retellings

Kim Ramos


you are salt, and to salt
you shall return. 
A generation sets its hopes in a wicker basket
and sends them down the river
dreaming of milk and honey
to become a person of grandeur.
A child like this 
will forever walk backwards
along the banks.


When I told my father
I was going east for school
he told me that, like the ocean,
it was in my blood
to move. 
Ang-ngalo, the wandering giant,
built a salt-palace
by the sea, 
only for the ocean, 
an accumulation of goddess tears, 
to swallow it—

the moral being,
a wanderer cannot 
make a home / the goddesses
of sorrow will always
return / you cannot outrun
your nature /
or, my father’s favorite: 
to love a place 
you have to leave it.


We are a family accustomed 
to haunting,
and to being haunted. 
A wraith of the woods, 
my father holds 
pine cones 
to his ears like conch shells.
He licks the sap off 
the evergreens
and recoils at the sweetness. 

Like him, 
I let my salivating
run like a river from doorstep
to doorstep.

Kim Ramos is a queer Filipina writer from the Midwest. Their work has been published in Southern Humanities Review, Jet Fuel Review, and West Trade Review, among others. Their first chapbook is set for publication with Unsolicited Press in 2023. You can read more of their work at
