Gasp, n. gæsp
equivalent to Old Norse geispa; akin to gape
see also: last gasp
Terence Degnan
when our daughter was just a decade
into a life
we left her at
some camp we found on the internet
weeks at a time, for
consecutive summers
and during one of these
spooky afternoons
a string of bombers
floated over a meadow
where she and a handful
of other unsuspecting campers
found themselves
in the squadron’s shadow;
the term for this moment
is gasp
or rather, finding oneself
inside of a hairpin
or a mental dogleg;
to her credit, she reported
that for a brief spell
the handful they were
felt a freedom like
no other;
an easement of history
so preeminent
that I am convinced
it’s innate
Terence Degnan is the author of three full-length books of poetry. His newest collection “I Can Wonder Anything” was published in March of 2023. He lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and daughter.